Sunday, July 26, 2020


This blog has been dead for a while now, despite my multiple attempts to resurrect it. So today, I decided to call the dead spade a dead spade and move on.

Why now? Well, every now and then, I stumble on a cool blog while searching for one thing or the other and I binge-read their blog only to find that one fine day the blogger simply stopped posting, or worse, completely vanished. I never thought (or realized) I was doing the same to my blog. No, not the cool blog part, just someone on the internet you relate to suddenly vanishing and making you feel just a little lonely. You know, like when you search for an obscure computer issue and there is that one guy on Stack overflow who had the exact same issue as you, but nobody responded, and you so want to talk to the guy and say "Hey I hit the same issue too. And what happened to you? Did you ever resolve it?" but obviously that guy is long gone and you are screaming into internet nothingness.

If anyone ever stumbles on my blog, I don't want them to feel shut off. Hence, the proper Goodbye.

When I was actively blogging, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the discussions with my readers and the often surprising responses (um, compliments) I got from my readers in real life. Thank you for your support! :)

I haven't written much in a while, for various reasons that I have only recently begun to explore. So I do not know if I will even return to writing regularly (I hope I do). If I do so, I will add a link on this page to wherever I move. I tried Medium but something about it (the platform? the UI? the existence of so many trashy Medium articles?) prevents me from writing well on the platform. So I will have to find some other location. I also prefer customizable backgrounds and so forth, so that will be a factor, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

For now, I will be making comments moderated on this blog (assuming Blogger still lets me do that). This should allow people to leave comments but filter spam , given that spammers and bots have been the only ones commenting lately, and I will leave the blog on life support for as long as Google hosts the platform.

So, without further ado...

(Get it? Get it? I am proud of that one =D )